Finally, holidays.
After a few days of delay and complete focus on reading a wicked manga called 'berserk' I'm back to work on the vid. As I write this post on my pc, on the laptop calipt is melting cypher with a plasma gun in slow motion as I render the lossless avi file. Today, along with my brother we've installed a new router and hence I finally have internet connection in both my PC and laptop.
Recently TEK9 announced another movie contest, it's not a mini movie contest like last time. Movie length must fit in between 3 and 7 minutes, rest of the rules do not differ from the usual tek9 set. I didn't sign up yet, but I surely will, but I'm not sure if I'll submit my currect project or rather the next one. As I posted before my next project will be a community movie. I already have the idea for the vid in my head, it will be a type of movie that you either love or hate. Soon I'll remind people about sending me the demos..
Alright, on my laptop calipt's plasma balls didn't leave much of cypher's body, time to get back to work!
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